Thursday, May 10, 2018

Fierce Marriage by Ryan and Selena Frederick

Ryan and Selena Frederick are the founders of which is an online community that has grown in leaps and bounds since it first started in 2013. In this book, Ryan and Selena share some of the struggles they have dealt with in their own marriage as well as conflicts among the marriages of their readers. Ryan and Selena focus on God-centered marriage which is the only way anyone's marriage can ultimately survive.

It took me awhile to get into reading this book. I think it might be because the book goes back and forth between Ryan and Selena's view. I think the book could be improved if the switching between viewpoints didn't happen during the middle of the chapter and had a more uniform way to show that the author was changing. Also. the authors are very candid so there were some blush-worthy moments in the book that were a bit much for me.

However, there are some definite high points to the book that stuck with me. I appreciated how Ryan and Selena focused on God-centered marriage and they had some good practical advice for couples. Their quote that said, "Christ isn't just at the top of the list; he is the list," is something that really resonated with me. This is so true. I also liked that they mentioned that children can witness the gospel just by watching your marriage. I have never really thought of that in those terms before, but that is a great interpretation.

I applaud Ryan and Selena for taking the time to share their marriage and help other couples improve their relationships. Thank you to BakerBooks for the chance to review this book.

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